1 in 3 foreign-born Southeast Asians and Pacific Islanders are paid less than $19.69 per hour
The bars show the prevalence of low-wage work among foreign-born and US-born Asian American and Pacific Islander workers. For example, 35.4% of foreign-born Pacific Islanders are paid low wages.
Bar chart comparing the prevalence of low-wage work among foreign- and U.S.-born Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) workers across California in 2022, for each disaggregated group: South Asian, Southeast Asian, East Asian, Pacific Islander, and Other Asian. Each group is also compared to the larger AAPI workforce, by place of birth (foreign or U.S.). Foreign-born Southeast Asians, East Asians, and Pacific Islanders are more likely to earn low wages than their US-born counterparts, while the opposite is true for South Asians, Other Asians, and All AAPI workers in general.