Contributor First Name Contributor Last Name Company / Association Occupation Amount City State Zip Contribution Date Committee Name
GeoffPalmerG.H. Palmer AssociatesReal Estate Developer$150,000Beverly HillsCA9021001/22/2021California Patriot Coalition - Recall Governor Gavin Newsom
GeoffPalmerG.H. Palmer AssociatesReal Estate Developer$150,000Beverly HillsCA9021001/15/2021Rescue California-To Support the Recall of Gavin Newsom
JohnBoothSelfReal Estate Investor$50,000Newport BeachCA9266002/02/2021Rescue California - To Support the Recall of Governor Gavin Newsom
GeoffPalmerG.H. Palmer AssociatesReal Estate Developer$50,000Beverly HillsCA9021003/05/2021Rescue California - To Support the Recall of Governor Gavin Newsom
GeoffPalmerG.H. Palmer AssociatesReal Estate Developer$50,000Beverly HillsCA9021003/05/2021California Patriot Coalition - Recall Governor Gavin Newsom
Total Number of Contributors:253Total Amount in Contributions:$1,137,367