Who?Current state of playWhat is the issue?
Bus Éireann drivers (Siptu, NBRU)Trouble brewing, but no action or ballots planned or announcedPay is the main issue. The company says there is no money available for pay rises and there is a radical restructuring plan for the Expressway service with potential for up to 150 compulsory redundancies
Gardaí (GRA and AGSI)Industrial action suspended pending ballots on a new deal published by the Labour Court. An outcome is expected at the end of NovemberPay and allowances including those for new entrants to the Force
Non consultant hospital doctors (IMO)Ballotting for industrial action after talks with Government collapsedDispute over "living-out" allowance to offset rental costs. The issue was previously the subject of a court action by doctors and then it entered a talks process which ultimately broke down
Nurses (INMO)The INMO is balloting for industrial action, with an outcome expected in early to mid-DecemberNurses are looking for extra money they say will encourage young nurses to join the public system and for existing staff to stay rather than working in private hospitals or emigrating.
Private sector workers (various unions) The private sector committee of Ictu says pay claims are to be lodged across all unionised companiesUnions are to seek pay increases of 4 per cent across the private sector from January
Public and Civil Servants (various unions)No formal action or ballots have been announced yet, but the public service committee of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions is meeting in Belfast on week starting November 13thUnions are seeking a faster restoration of pay as part of a new agreement with the Government to succeed the Landsdowne Road Agreement
Public servants (Siptu)The union has authorised its 60,000 members across the public service to ballot for industrial action but asked them to hold off until December 1st pending further contact with Government. It had originally set a deadline for the Government of November 17th to convene talks on a new pay dealRestoration of pay
Teachers (ASTI)ASTI members have suspended their industrial action pending talks that will run to the end of NovemberTwo issues: firstly lower pay rates for recent entrants and secondly the witholding of payment for supervision duties becaues the union is deemed to have repudiated the Lansdowne Road agreement with the Government over members' refusal to work the so-called 'Croke Park' hours
Train drivers (NBRU and Siptu)Trouble brewing, but no action or ballots planned or announcedTrain drivers have sought pay rises of up to 25 per cent with an eye to the recent deals for Dublin Bus and Luas drivers