A comparison between Ohio's current redistricting system and two proposed redistricting systems.
This is a data table that describes the differences between Ohio's present redistricting system and two proposed redistricting systems. Summary of Key Differences
Composition: The proposed commission expands to 15 members with more balanced representation, including independents.
Voting Requirements: The proposed process requires a higher threshold (supermajority) for approval, potentially reducing partisan bias.
Public Participation: The proposed initiative emphasizes broader public engagement and transparency.
Criteria for Redistricting: The proposed process includes explicit requirements for proportional representation and consideration of communities of interest.
Impasse Procedure: The proposed initiative outlines a ranked-choice selection process to resolve deadlocks, providing a clear mechanism for decision-making if consensus cannot be reached.
Both processes aim to create fair and representative districts but differ in their approach to achieving bipartisan support, public participation, and detailed criteria for redistricting.