What laws have been breached?

The wood pellet plants Drax Group owns in British Columbia and Alberta have violated environmental laws at least 189 times since 2012, when the company began shipping wood from Canada to the UK.

British Columbian laws are in green, while CEPA (in yellow) is federal law, and the Water Act violation (blue) is an Alberta law.

LawEnvironmental Management Act
Total number of violations181
LawGreenhouse Gas Industrial Reporting and Control Act
Total number of violations6
LawForest Act (alleged)
Total number of violations2
LawCanadian Envrionmental Protection Act
Total number of violations1
LawWater Act
Total number of violations1
Table with 2 columns and 5 rows.
Environmental Management Act181
Greenhouse Gas Industrial Reporting and Control Act6
Forest Act (alleged)2
Canadian Envrionmental Protection Act1
Water Act1