Voting-Age Latino Population Growth in Most Populous Swing State Counties, 2009-2022

Of the 10 most populous swing state counties, Clark County's Latino population grew at the third-highest rate. It also has the third-highest share of Latinos of voting age.

Table with 3 columns and 10 rows.
How much the Latino population grew
Wake County, NC237.6%5.8%
Mecklenburg County, NC198.3%6.8%
Clark County, NV112.6%23.1%
Fulton County, GA109.6%4.8%
Oakland County, MI80.2%3.1%
Maricopa County, AZ78.7%23.6%
Allegheny County, PA77.8%1.8%
Philadelphia County, PA53.9%12.1%
Pima County, AZ53.3%31.3%
Wayne County, MI40.5%4.3%