Incomes of poorest growing slower than the whole population
Incomes of poorest growing faster than whole population
-10-50510-10-50510In Zambia, the poorest 40% saw negative growth, while the average enjoyed nearly 3% positive growth.In Moldova, the incomes of the poorest 40% grew by 2.8%, outpacing average growth for the total population.In Ukraine, the income of the poorest 40% accounted for 24% of all income.In China, the poorest 40% earned just 2.5% of the country's total incomeZambiaZambiaUkraineUkraineChinaChinaMoldovaMoldova
Growth for whole population
Growth for bottom 40%
Data shown for 86 countries. Mean per capita real consumption or income is measured at 2011 Purchasing Power Parity (PPPs). Size of circle is indicative of the share of total income earned by the poorest 40%. Income and consumption are used interchangably.