Table analysing the proposed measures in the Draghi Report for the Energy subsector: electricity proposals. It is based on seven variables distributed in columns. The first three are ranking variables where each measure is awarded a score relative to the other measures in its sector or subsector in a hierarchical way: urgency in the EU, importance of the measure for the EU and importance of the measure for Spain. The remaining four variables classify the proposals on the basis of a three-point scale that depends on the assessment of the proposed measure itself: presence in the Mission Letters (explicit reference, ambiguous or no mention at all), political viability for the EU and for Spain (high, medium or low), and level of public investment needed to put the measure in practice (high-susbtantial, medium-little or none-nothing). The measure constituting a Political Win for the electricity subsector is the rationalisation of administrative processes for a more streamlined deployment of renewables, flexible infrastructure and grids (10). Four of the electricity measures are highly viable, and two of them –the encouragement of self-generation by energy-intensive users (14) and the reinforcement of system integration, storage and demand flexibility (15)– constitute Quick Wins. In terms of the investment needed, 44% (four) of the measures require high investment, but another 44% do not require any additional public investment.