Table with 8 columns and 8 rows.
The cost of living in Sydney is6% more expensive than in Melbourne15% more expensive than in Perth11% more expensive than in Brisbane25% more expensive than in Adelaide33% more expensive than in Hobart39% more expensive than in Darwin30% more expensive than in Canberra
The cost of living in Melbourne is6% cheaper than in Sydney8% more expensive than in Perth5% more expensive than in Brisbane18% more expensive than in Adelaide26% more expensive than in Hobart31% more expensive than in Darwin23% More expensive than in Canberra
The cost of living in Perth is15% cheaper than in Sydney8% cheaper than in Melbourne3% cheaper than in Brisbane9% more expensive than in Adelaide16% more expensive than in Hobart21 % more expensive than in Darwin21% more expensive than in Canberra
The cost of living in Brisbane is10% cheaper than in Sydney5% cheaper than in Melbourne3% more expensive than in Perth12% more expensive than in AdelaideIs about the same as Hobart25% more expensive than in Darwin23% more expensive than in Canberra
The cost of living in Adelaide is20% cheaper than in Sydney15% cheaper than in Melbourne8% cheaper than in Perth11% cheaper than in Brisbane7% more expensive than in Hobart11% more expensive than in Darwin4% more expensive than in Canberra
The cost of living in Hobart is25% cheaper than in Sydney20% cheaper than in Melbourne14% cheaper than in Perth20% cheaper than in Brisbane6% cheaper than in Adelaideabout the same as in Darwinabout the asme as in Canberra
The cost of living in Darwin is39% cheaper than in Sydney24% cheaper than in Melbourne17% cheaper than in Perth20% cheaper than in Brisbane10% cheaper than in Adelaideabout the same as in Hobart6% cheaper than in Canberra
The cost of living in Canberra is23% cheaper than in Sydney18% more expensive than in Melbourne12% cheaper than in Perth14% cheaper than in Brisbane4% cheaper than in Adelaideabout the same as in Hobart7% more expensive Darwin