Country Norway
Human development index (HDI) 0.95
Life expectancy at birth 82.27
Expected years of schooling 18.06
Mean years of schooling 12.57
Gross national income (GNI) per capita €68058.62
Country Switzerland
Human development index (HDI) 0.95
Life expectancy at birth 83.63
Expected years of schooling 16.21
Mean years of schooling 13.38
Gross national income (GNI) per capita €59374.73
Country Ireland
Human development index (HDI) 0.94
Life expectancy at birth 82.10
Expected years of schooling 18.79
Mean years of schooling 12.53
Gross national income (GNI) per capita €55659.68
Country Germany
Human development index (HDI) 0.94
Life expectancy at birth 81.18
Expected years of schooling 17.10
Mean years of schooling 14.13
Gross national income (GNI) per capita €46945.95
Country Hong Kong, China (SAR)
Human development index (HDI) 0.94
Life expectancy at birth 84.69
Expected years of schooling 16.51
Mean years of schooling 12.04
Gross national income (GNI) per capita €60220.80
Country Australia
Human development index (HDI) 0.94
Life expectancy at birth 83.28
Expected years of schooling 22.10
Mean years of schooling 12.68
Gross national income (GNI) per capita €44097.02
Country Iceland
Human development index (HDI) 0.94
Life expectancy at birth 82.86
Expected years of schooling 19.17
Mean years of schooling 12.54
Gross national income (GNI) per capita €47566.45
Country Sweden
Human development index (HDI) 0.94
Life expectancy at birth 82.65
Expected years of schooling 18.83
Mean years of schooling 12.43
Gross national income (GNI) per capita €47955.45
Country Singapore
Human development index (HDI) 0.93
Life expectancy at birth 83.46
Expected years of schooling 16.33
Mean years of schooling 11.50
Gross national income (GNI) per capita €83792.67
Country Netherlands
Human development index (HDI) 0.93
Life expectancy at birth 82.14
Expected years of schooling 18.04
Mean years of schooling 12.19
Gross national income (GNI) per capita €50012.59
Country Human development index (HDI) Life expectancy at birth Expected years of schooling Mean years of schooling Gross national income (GNI) per capita
1 Norway0.9582.2718.0612.57€68058.62
2 Switzerland0.9583.6316.2113.38€59374.73
3 Ireland0.9482.1018.7912.53€55659.68
4 Germany0.9481.1817.1014.13€46945.95
5 Hong Kong, China (SAR)0.9484.6916.5112.04€60220.80
6 Australia0.9483.2822.1012.68€44097.02
7 Iceland0.9482.8619.1712.54€47566.45
8 Sweden0.9482.6518.8312.43€47955.45
9 Singapore0.9383.4616.3311.50€83792.67
10 Netherlands0.9382.1418.0412.19€50012.59