The U. is preparing scenarios for a blend of in-person classes and distance delivery
University of Alaska, Anchorage
Hybrid: Original schedule
The U. is planning for a mix of ''alternate delivery and face-to-face instruction.''
Auburn University
Hybrid: Original schedule
The U. announced on June 16 that an on-campus fall semester will begin on Aug. 17, as originally scheduled, and face-to-face instruction will end on Nov. 24. Remaining semester classes and exams will be administered online and remotely, with Dec. 6 and Dec. 7 as the last days of final exams. Fall break and the first two days of Thanksgiving break are eliminated from the semester calendar. The full 2020-2021 academic year will be treated as "tri-mester," allowing professors options for when they will instruct classes if they have a health condition or cannot return to campus — decided on a per-faculty, per-department basis.
University of Alabama, Huntsville
Hybrid: Original schedule
The U. will re-open campus for the fall semester, through a phased approach to campus operations. Courses will be offered both face-to-face on campus, and also fully online for those who do not arrive to campus or prefer not to.
University of Alabama
The U. will have on-campus, in-person fall semester classes from Aug. 24 until Nov. 24, and exams will occurr from Dec. 7 to Dec. 11 according to the fall 2020 academic calendar. The U. is currently evaluating specifics about course instruction, but said online content and hybrid approaches will be available. In-person instruction may end at Thanksgiving depending on future guidance. Fall sports will resume, but details will later be shared with the community.
Arkansas State University
Waiting to decide
The U. expects to conduct its fall semester on campus, and its task forces will finalize plans by July 1.
University of Arkansas
Hybrid: Original schedule
An on-campus fall semester will begin on Aug. 24 in a three-phase re-opening system. Classes will resume in person but lectures that can be held online are encouraged to remain virtual. The University will provide more details to the community in the coming weeks.
Northern Arizona University
Hybrid: Modified schedule
The U. announced on June 4 it will begin the fall semester earlier than usual on Aug. 12 and finish in-person classes by Thanksgiving. Classes will be offered on campus when it reopens and there will be virtual options for those who cannot attend on-campus classes, NAU President Rita Cheng told Chamber Business News on May 27. Specific details about the semester will be announced soon.
University of Arizona
U. president announced in April the campus will reopen in the fall, and is planning for in-class learning.
Arizona State University
Hybrid: Original schedule
The U. will begin fall semester classes on Aug. 20 and is canceling fall break. The majority of classes will be offered in three learning environments: ‘ASU immersion’ with on-campus and in-person classes, ‘ASU Sync’ with synchronous, interactive remote classes and in-person instruction, and ‘iCourses’ with entirely online classes available on demand.
Stanford University
Stanford reversed its initial fall decision made in June due to California's COVID-19 infection rates, and will conduct the autumn quarter remotely. The U. is no longer inviting first-years, sophomores and transfers to campus, and is also planning for nearly all undergraduate instruction to be conducted remotely. On-campus housing will be offered to those "previously approved to be in residence due to a special circumstance."
University of Southern California
Hybrid: Modified schedule
The U. reversed its prior fall decision on July 1 due to rising COVID-19 cases in Los Angeles, and is now preparing for the majority of undergraduate classes to be offered solely online. Some courses will be offered in a hybrid format of online and in-person instruction, and an estimated 15-20% of courses will be offered in-person. For the most part, most in-person classes will also be offered online. USC will also no longer bring all students back to campus, and is instead advising students to stay home. Classes will begin one week earlier than previously expected on Aug. 17 and the semester, including final exams, will end before Thanksgiving break on Nov. 24.
UC Davis
Hybrid: Original schedule
The U. will begin hybrid instruction on Sept. 30 and plans to conduct most fall quarter courses remotely with very limited in-person course offerings. All classes enrolling 50 or more students will be taught remotely, while classes fewer than 50 students may have in-person instruction, according to a July 31 update. University residence halls will be open for single and double occupancy.
UC Riverside
Hybrid: Original schedule
The U. will begin hybrid instruction on Sept. 28 and plans to conduct most fall quarter courses remotely with some in-person course offerings waiting on approval.
UC San Diego
Hybrid: Original schedule
The U. will conduct fall quarter courses in primarily remote and hybrid formats and will offer only 30% of courses in person, according to a June 25 announcement. Instruction will begin on Sept. 26 and on-campus housing and dining services will be open to all students.