Four bar charts together showing how Black students compare to other races and ethnicities in assuming student loans. The data is based on undergraduate completers who ever received a federal loan. In the first chart is the percent of bachelor’s degree completers by race who have loans. 76% of Black completers have loans, more than any other race or ethnicity. Following them are 64% of Hispanic completers, followed by 62% among American Indian and Alaska Native, 57% of White, 55% of multi-race and 38% of Asian completers. The second chart is the cumulative loan amount, where Black completers have the highest amount at $32,530. Asian completers have the least, at $23,080 and all the other races fall in between. The last two charts are the same metrics, but for associate’s degree. The trends are the same, where 54% percent of Black completers have loans, which is higher than any other group, with an amount of $22,550, also more than any other group.

Black students are most likely to have federal loans