Table with 4 columns and 14 rows.
Project: Supporting states to streamline access to benefits
Completed procurement research with states, stakeholders, vendors and non-profits to identify common barriers to address and capture leading practices to elevate for the planning, procurement, and management of modern IT systems to support multi-program streamlined benefits deliverycheckmarkFY23 Q4Completed. Collection and prioritization of procurement best practices for benefits programs is under way.
Built and piloted procurement solutions with statescheckmarkFY24 Q3Completed. Technical assistance and training provided to states on vendor management, focusing on the Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP).
NEW Synthesize learning and compile resources on procurement and vendor management challenges and solutionsuncheckedFY24 Q2In progress.
NEW Create an evaluation framework to study the impact of the initiative, including state access to and adoption of project-related resourcesuncheckedFY24 Q2In progress.
Test new methods of policy and product co-development and cross-government collaboration with statesuncheckedFY24 Q3In progress. HHS and the Aspen Institute are co-facilitating workgroups involving a total of 22 states, with evolving topics based on state priorities. For 2024, workgroups are focusing on texting and notifications, policy and requirements, data sharing, talent, and Artificial Intelligence and automation. Two workgroups (procurement and operations) were ended at the conclusion of 2023.
Develop the initial one-to-three elements of the “one-day delivery toolkit” for statesuncheckedFY24 Q2Tools, playbooks, and use cases under development on state customer experience and benefit delivery metrics, chatbots, identity proofing, plain language forms and notices, and automation or AI.
Develop multi-program text messaging guidance and templates for federal and federally-funded programs to communicate with statesuncheckedFY24 Q2In progress. Held training on state and local benefits agency text messaging training with the Federal Communications Commission addressing non-health use cases. Consent management guide and privacy-preserving content guidance are under development. Monthly best practices trainings and state case studies are being developed through the workgroup.
Developed and shared FY24 priorities and plancheckmarkFY24 Q2HHS (CMS)
NEW Launched the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Executive Order state benefits deliverables project to support states in the safe and effective uses of AI for benefits programscheckmarkFY24 Q1Complete. Launched new workgroup on AI and Automation in 2024, and have developed working groups and partnerships to support HHS and USDA on development of plans, guidance, and capacity building for states.
NEW Engage with the Federal Communications Commission and the Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association (FCC/CTIA) on proposed government caller texting guidelinesuncheckedFY24 Q3In progress.
NEW Develop joint HHS-USDA AI plan for state benefits programsuncheckedFY24 Q3In progress.
NEW Co-host Financial Resilience Summit with Aspen InstituteuncheckedFY24 Q3In progress. Summit planned for April 2024, highlighting state and federal benefits access successes and plans.
NEW Develop long-term (FY25+) Facing Financial Shock sustainability planuncheckedFY24 Q4In progress.