Table with 3 columns and 17 rows.
ArkansasAR H.B. 1411Makes it more difficult for voters to acquire a mail ballot
FloridaFL S.B. 7050Imposes new requirements on get-out-the-vote groups and increases financial penalties for human error
IdahoID H.B. 124Removes student IDs as an allowable form of ID for voting
ID H.B. 340Tightens ID and proof of residence requirements for registering to vote
IndianaIN H.B. 1334Imposes stricter ID requirements for acquiring a mail ballot and prohibits the sending of unsolicited mail ballot applications
KansasKS S.B. 106Prohibits officials from providing mail ballots to voters who have not submitted an application
MississippiMS H.B. 1310Requires a voter purge without adequate safeguards for eligible voters
MS S.B. 2358Makes it a crime in most instances to assist another voter in returning a mail ballot
NebraskaNE L.B. 514Imposes new photo ID requirements for in-person and absentee voting
New MexicoNM S.B. 180Shortens the mail ballot application deadline and makes it harder to get a replacement mail ballot
North CarolinaNC S.B. 747Omnibus law that shortens the mail ballot return window, bans drop boxes, and restricts same-day registration
North DakotaND H.B. 1431Requires voters who present non-driver ID to also show proof of citizenship
South DakotaSD H.B. 1165Bans ballot drop boxes and makes it harder for voters to acquire a mail ballot
TexasTX S.B. 924Allows some counties to consolidate polling places
UtahUT S.B. 17Adds new ground for voter challenges and enhances proof of residence requirements for certain voters
WyomingWY H.B. 279Creates an ID requirement for people applying in-person for a mail ballot
WY S.F. 153Shortens the mail ballot distribution window from 45 to 28 days before Election Day