UK news and current affairs magazines sales for 2023

UK magazines actively purchased global sales 2023 versus 2022. Includes column on sales via bundled "all you can read" subscriptions.

Table with 5 columns and 21 rows. Sorted descending by column "Product/Title"
Time Magazine EMEA- Digital29,974−1736,2254,301
Time Magazine EMEA - Print55−1867,778N/A
The Week Junior Science and Nature19,974−1924,5610
The Week Junior64,555−1777,7740
The Week - Print102,047−13117,321N/A
The Week - Digital25,798125,5880
The Spectator excluding Australia96,570−096,9750
The Oldie40,508−1145,5682,018
The Economist Espresso (digital edition)21,7757412,5460
The Economist - Print Publication485,787−12554,101N/A
The Economist - Digital Publication966,947−2990,0410
Prospect - Print15,410−616,463N/A
Prospect - Digital13,444−814,6510
Private Eye231,315−6246,3110
New Scientist (not US/Canada) - Digital30,483−1435,6270
New Scientist (not US/Canada) - Print42,273−1650,659N/A
MoneyWeek - Print20,785−1725,101N/A
MoneyWeek - Digital26,556126,4003,701
Investors Chronicle - Print20,785−822,549N/A
Investors Chronicle - Digital16,171−1819,6434,680
BBC History Magazine76,0013755,4866,104