Do you expect to make cuts to your household spending in the next 12 months because of rising inflation? If you were planning to make cuts anyway, please choose the N/A option. (% of respondents across 17 markets)
I will have to make large cuts to my household spending | Small line chart with 2 values, ranging from 22.8 to 17.3. |
I will have to make small cuts to my household spending | Small line chart with 2 values, ranging from 40.9 to 37.3. |
No, I will not have to make cuts to my household spending | Small line chart with 2 values, ranging from 19.2 to 23.5. |
Not applicable - I was planning to make cuts to my household spending anyway | Small line chart with 2 values, ranging from 12 to 12. |
Don't know | Small line chart with 2 values, ranging from 9.5 to 11. |