IndicatorSmart LockFinal Results
Transmission of user communications or information is encrypted by default.
  • Test 1: The site advertised “two-layer encryption” as well as an “additional encryption mode.”
  • Test 2: The lock uses TLS v 1.2 encryption by default for all communication with the manufacturer’s servers.

Transmission of user communications or information is encrypted using unique keys.
  • The lock uses new session keys when establishing encrypted connections with the server.
Users can secure their content using end-to-end encryption.
  • This app does not provide an interface for enabling or disabling end-to-end encryption. However, it also only communicates with the provider’s servers, and does not allow users to create or share content.
End-to-end encryption is enabled by default.
  • The app offers no ability for the user to communicate with other users, or directly with the company.
User information and communications are encrypted by default when at rest.
  • The lock app does record logins to the local phone storage, and does not encrypt that data at rest. It does not record any other data on the device after configuration or use. This information alone reveals no information about the user.