Rank | 1 |
City | New York |
Country | USA |
Number of Millionaires | 350 |
Personal Income Tax - Highest Income % | 11 |
Sales Tax/VAT/GST % | 4 |
Capital Gains Tax - Highest Possible % | 11 |
Quality of Life | 133 |
Broadband Internet Speed - Median Country Mbps | 216 |
Mobile Internet Speed - Median Country Mbps | 104 |
No. international airports | 2 |
Requirements for visitors to enter the country on a UK passport | eTA / 90 daysApply now |
New business density per 1,000 people | 0 |
Rank | 2 |
City | London |
Country | UK |
Number of Millionaires | 227 |
Personal Income Tax - Highest Income % | 45 |
Sales Tax/VAT/GST % | 20 |
Capital Gains Tax - Highest Possible % | 20 |
Quality of Life | 145 |
Broadband Internet Speed - Median Country Mbps | 85 |
Mobile Internet Speed - Median Country Mbps | 48 |
No. international airports | 2 |
Requirements for visitors to enter the country on a UK passport | No requirements |
New business density per 1,000 people | 19 |
Rank | 3 |
City | Dubai |
Country | UAE |
Number of Millionaires | 73 |
Personal Income Tax - Highest Income % | 0 |
Sales Tax/VAT/GST % | 5 |
Capital Gains Tax - Highest Possible % | 0 |
Quality of Life | 175 |
Broadband Internet Speed - Median Country Mbps | 236 |
Mobile Internet Speed - Median Country Mbps | 269 |
No. international airports | 1 |
Requirements for visitors to enter the country on a UK passport | visa-free / 30 days |
New business density per 1,000 people | 3 |
Rank | 4 |
City | Singapore |
Country | Singapore |
Number of Millionaires | 245 |
Personal Income Tax - Highest Income % | 24 |
Sales Tax/VAT/GST % | 9 |
Capital Gains Tax - Highest Possible % | 0 |
Quality of Life | 165 |
Broadband Internet Speed - Median Country Mbps | 264 |
Mobile Internet Speed - Median Country Mbps | 89 |
No. international airports | 1 |
Requirements for visitors to enter the country on a UK passport | Arrival Card / 90 days |
New business density per 1,000 people | 11 |
Rank | 5 |
City | Hong Kong |
Country | Hong Kong (SAR China) |
Number of Millionaires | 143 |
Personal Income Tax - Highest Income % | 17 |
Sales Tax/VAT/GST % | 0 |
Capital Gains Tax - Highest Possible % | 0 |
Quality of Life | 134 |
Broadband Internet Speed - Median Country Mbps | 263 |
Mobile Internet Speed - Median Country Mbps | 70 |
No. international airports | 1 |
Requirements for visitors to enter the country on a UK passport | visa-free / 180 days |
New business density per 1,000 people | 21 |
Rank | 6 |
City | Chicago |
Country | USA |
Number of Millionaires | 121 |
Personal Income Tax - Highest Income % | 5 |
Sales Tax/VAT/GST % | 6 |
Capital Gains Tax - Highest Possible % | 5 |
Quality of Life | 149 |
Broadband Internet Speed - Median Country Mbps | 216 |
Mobile Internet Speed - Median Country Mbps | 104 |
No. international airports | 2 |
Requirements for visitors to enter the country on a UK passport | eTA / 90 daysApply now |
New business density per 1,000 people | 0 |
Rank | 7 |
City | Abu Dhabi |
Country | UAE |
Number of Millionaires | 24 |
Personal Income Tax - Highest Income % | 0 |
Sales Tax/VAT/GST % | 5 |
Capital Gains Tax - Highest Possible % | 0 |
Quality of Life | 197 |
Broadband Internet Speed - Median Country Mbps | 236 |
Mobile Internet Speed - Median Country Mbps | 269 |
No. international airports | 1 |
Requirements for visitors to enter the country on a UK passport | visa-free / 30 days |
New business density per 1,000 people | 3 |
Rank | 8 |
City | Paris |
Country | France |
Number of Millionaires | 165 |
Personal Income Tax - Highest Income % | 45 |
Sales Tax/VAT/GST % | 20 |
Capital Gains Tax - Highest Possible % | 19 |
Quality of Life | 138 |
Broadband Internet Speed - Median Country Mbps | 201 |
Mobile Internet Speed - Median Country Mbps | 83 |
No. international airports | 3 |
Requirements for visitors to enter the country on a UK passport | visa-free / 90 days |
New business density per 1,000 people | 7 |
Rank | 9 |
City | Los Angeles |
Country | USA |
Number of Millionaires | 212 |
Personal Income Tax - Highest Income % | 13 |
Sales Tax/VAT/GST % | 10 |
Capital Gains Tax - Highest Possible % | 13 |
Quality of Life | 136 |
Broadband Internet Speed - Median Country Mbps | 216 |
Mobile Internet Speed - Median Country Mbps | 104 |
No. international airports | 1 |
Requirements for visitors to enter the country on a UK passport | eTA / 90 daysApply now |
New business density per 1,000 people | 0 |
Rank | 10 |
City | Miami |
Country | USA |
Number of Millionaires | 35 |
Personal Income Tax - Highest Income % | 0 |
Sales Tax/VAT/GST % | 6 |
Capital Gains Tax - Highest Possible % | 0 |
Quality of Life | 164 |
Broadband Internet Speed - Median Country Mbps | 216 |
Mobile Internet Speed - Median Country Mbps | 104 |
No. international airports | 1 |
Requirements for visitors to enter the country on a UK passport | eTA / 90 daysApply now |
New business density per 1,000 people | 0 |
Rank | 11 |
City | Sydney |
Country | Australia |
Number of Millionaires | 147 |
Personal Income Tax - Highest Income % | 45 |
Sales Tax/VAT/GST % | 10 |
Capital Gains Tax - Highest Possible % | 30 |
Quality of Life | 183 |
Broadband Internet Speed - Median Country Mbps | 54 |
Mobile Internet Speed - Median Country Mbps | 97 |
No. international airports | 1 |
Requirements for visitors to enter the country on a UK passport | eVisitors / 90 days |
New business density per 1,000 people | 17 |
Rank | 12 |
City | Toronto |
Country | Canada |
Number of Millionaires | 106 |
Personal Income Tax - Highest Income % | 13 |
Sales Tax/VAT/GST % | 13 |
Capital Gains Tax - Highest Possible % | 50 |
Quality of Life | 159 |
Broadband Internet Speed - Median Country Mbps | 166 |
Mobile Internet Speed - Median Country Mbps | 88 |
No. international airports | 1 |
Requirements for visitors to enter the country on a UK passport | eTA / 180 days |
New business density per 1,000 people | 10 |
Rank | 13 |
City | Dallas |
Country | USA |
Number of Millionaires | 69 |
Personal Income Tax - Highest Income % | 0 |
Sales Tax/VAT/GST % | 6 |
Capital Gains Tax - Highest Possible % | 0 |
Quality of Life | 186 |
Broadband Internet Speed - Median Country Mbps | 216 |
Mobile Internet Speed - Median Country Mbps | 104 |
No. international airports | 1 |
Requirements for visitors to enter the country on a UK passport | eTA / 90 daysApply now |
New business density per 1,000 people | 0 |
Rank | 14 |
City | Amsterdam |
Country | Netherlands |
Number of Millionaires | 45 |
Personal Income Tax - Highest Income % | 50 |
Sales Tax/VAT/GST % | 21 |
Capital Gains Tax - Highest Possible % | 26 |
Quality of Life | 203 |
Broadband Internet Speed - Median Country Mbps | 178 |
Mobile Internet Speed - Median Country Mbps | 119 |
No. international airports | 1 |
Requirements for visitors to enter the country on a UK passport | visa-free / 90 days |
New business density per 1,000 people | 3 |
Rank | 15 |
City | Melbourne |
Country | Australia |
Number of Millionaires | 98 |
Personal Income Tax - Highest Income % | 45 |
Sales Tax/VAT/GST % | 10 |
Capital Gains Tax - Highest Possible % | 30 |
Quality of Life | 198 |
Broadband Internet Speed - Median Country Mbps | 54 |
Mobile Internet Speed - Median Country Mbps | 97 |
No. international airports | 1 |
Requirements for visitors to enter the country on a UK passport | eVisitors / 90 days |
New business density per 1,000 people | 17 |
1 | New York | USA | 350 | 11 | 4 | 11 | 133 | 216 | 104 | 2 | eTA / 90 daysApply now | 0 | 74 |
2 | London | UK | 227 | 45 | 20 | 20 | 145 | 85 | 48 | 2 | No requirements | 19 | 71 |
3 | Dubai | UAE | 73 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 175 | 236 | 269 | 1 | visa-free / 30 days | 3 | 71 |
4 | Singapore | Singapore | 245 | 24 | 9 | 0 | 165 | 264 | 89 | 1 | Arrival Card / 90 days | 11 | 69 |
5 | Hong Kong | Hong Kong (SAR China) | 143 | 17 | 0 | 0 | 134 | 263 | 70 | 1 | visa-free / 180 days | 21 | 67 |
6 | Chicago | USA | 121 | 5 | 6 | 5 | 149 | 216 | 104 | 2 | eTA / 90 daysApply now | 0 | 63 |
7 | Abu Dhabi | UAE | 24 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 197 | 236 | 269 | 1 | visa-free / 30 days | 3 | 62 |
8 | Paris | France | 165 | 45 | 20 | 19 | 138 | 201 | 83 | 3 | visa-free / 90 days | 7 | 62 |
9 | Los Angeles | USA | 212 | 13 | 10 | 13 | 136 | 216 | 104 | 1 | eTA / 90 daysApply now | 0 | 60 |
10 | Miami | USA | 35 | 0 | 6 | 0 | 164 | 216 | 104 | 1 | eTA / 90 daysApply now | 0 | 59 |
11 | Sydney | Australia | 147 | 45 | 10 | 30 | 183 | 54 | 97 | 1 | eVisitors / 90 days | 17 | 55 |
12 | Toronto | Canada | 106 | 13 | 13 | 50 | 159 | 166 | 88 | 1 | eTA / 180 days | 10 | 54 |
13 | Dallas | USA | 69 | 0 | 6 | 0 | 186 | 216 | 104 | 1 | eTA / 90 daysApply now | 0 | 53 |
14 | Amsterdam | Netherlands | 45 | 50 | 21 | 26 | 203 | 178 | 119 | 1 | visa-free / 90 days | 3 | 53 |
15 | Melbourne | Australia | 98 | 45 | 10 | 30 | 198 | 54 | 97 | 1 | eVisitors / 90 days | 17 | 53 |