Table with 4 columns and 5 rows.
Project: Improve data services for benefits delivery - Medicaid renewals state technical assistance
NEW Measured the impact of renewing Medicare for 4,000,000 people; continue to work with state partners to ensure effective implementation and measure the efficacy of interventionscheckmarkFY24 Q1Completed. Part of the workstream for Medicaid renewals state technical assistance.
NEW Scale ecosystem partners to continue supporting States to provide rapid response technical assistanceuncheckedFY24 Q2In progress. Part of the workstream for Medicaid renewals state technical assistance.
Discuss with CMS building long term capacity at CMCS for a Medicaid State Delivery team that sustains the implementation support to states, subject to CMS budgetary and resource/FTE constraintsuncheckedFY24 Q2In progress. Part of the workstream for Medicaid renewals state technical assistance.
NEW Synthesize and share learnings across state successes and challenges in the statesuncheckedFY24 Q3In progress. Part of the workstream for Medicaid renewals state technical assistance.