Income Group Income Range Average Income Tax Change 1000's Average Tax Change Tax Change as % of Income Share of Tax Change Share with Tax Hikes
Poorest 20% Less than $22,400$11,800 $0 $0 0.0%0%0.0%
Second 20% $22,400 to $42,500$32,200 $ –14,600 $0 0.0%0%0.0%
Middle 20% $42,500 to $69,900$55,000 $ –163,100 $ –10 0.0%0%0.0%
Fourth 20% $69,900 to $122,400$92,300 $ –1,818,500 $ –60 -0.1%0%0.0%
Next 15% $122,400 to $276,200$174,000 $ –13,105,200 $ –540 -0.3%-3%0.0%
Next 4% $276,200 to $681,600$404,000 $33,526,900 $5,190 1.3%8%14.6%
Richest 1% $681,600 or more$2,167,700 $403,549,900 $249,870 11.5%96%91.4%
ALL $101,400$422,112,000$2,6002.6%100%1.5%