Locations of Alleged Shootings by Hojaboom and Pham

All locations and times are approximate.

The map shows Cal Poly and the area around it. In the lower right hand corner of the map there is a circle with the number one near the intersection of Slack Street and Grand Avenue Horse Pastures on June 10, 2023. The next location is upwards and to the left with a number two marking shooting 2, June 17, 2023, Sierra Madre Tower and Volleyball Courts. The next circle is up and to the left with the number 4 on it, marked shooting 4, November 11, 2023, 10:14 p.m, on Poly Canyon Road. The next and last marker is up and to the left, in the upper left hand corner of the map marked with a number 3, shooting 3, October 27, 2023, 11:58 p.m, inside PCV bedroom.