Major Cement Companies Brand Installed Capacity (Million MT/Year) Up to May, 2019 Post-Expansion Capacity* (MillionMT/Year) Expected Year of Completion of expansion project
Bashundhara CementBashundhara Cement5.055.652020
Meghna CementKing Brand Cement0.902.902019
Seven Rings CementSeven Rings Cement3.508.50-
Premier CementPremier Cement3.008.002019
Shah CementShah Cement6.05--
Crown CementCrown Cement3.305.802021
Aman CementAmancem3.76--
Unique Cement (Fresh)Fresh Cement3.60--
LafargeHolcim Bangladesh Ltd.Supercrete, Holcim3.40--
Heidelberg Cement Bangladesh LimitedScan Cement & Ruby Cement2.382.852019
Akij CementAkij Cement1.20--
Confidence CementConfidence Cement1.05--
Royal CementRoyal Cement1.00--
Aramit CementCamel Brand Cement0.61--
Anwar CementAnwar Cement0.60--
Tiger CementTiger Cement0.36--