Talk about close! Stanford GSB’s $153,143 average beat out Harvard Business School by $56 – and the Wharton School by $183. Despite the region’s DC digs, the Mid-Atlantic lags behind nearly every American region in starting base pay. Just 4 programs cracked $150K to start (though Michigan Ross’ $149,868 average made it close). Both Emory Goizueta ($141K) and Vanderbilt Owen ($125K) punched above their ranking in this region, though both also placed a combined 9 graduates in the Mid-Atlantic in 2021. Harvard Business School ($210K) and Virginia Darden ($200K) finished 1st and 2nd respectively for the highest individual base. Overall, 24 of the 52 highest-ranked programs didn’t place enough students in the Mid-Atlantic to even report their numbers – a sign of just how niche this region really is.