School Name
% Medical
1SebastopolSebastopol Independent Charter5858
2Nevada CityYuba River Charter5252
3SebastopolSunRidge Charter5151
4PetalumaLive Oak Charter4343
5SausalitoThe New Village School3838
6BerkeleyBerkeley Rose Waldorf School3838
7ArcataCoastal Grove Charter3737
8CalpellaThe Waldorf School of Mendocino County3737
9Santa RosaSummerfield Waldorf School and Farm3535
10Santa CruzSanta Cruz Waldorf School3333
Notes: This data represents kindergartens with 20 or more students.
Schools marked in bold are also among the 10 schools with the most personal belief exemptions in 2013-14.

Credit: Harriet Blair Rowan/California Healthline