Table with 6 columns and 5 rows.
US20240039899A11 February 2024ApplicationUS18377522System and method for web-browser based end-to-end encrypted messaging and for securely implementing cryptography using client-side scripting in a web browserMeixler Technologies Inc
US20230231953A120 July 2023ApplicationUS18057598On net bus for distributing fax transmissionsj2 Cloud Services, LLC
US20230061468A12 March 2023ApplicationUS17681086Three-dimensional indoor wireless service assessment and visualizationOokla LLC
US20230025668A126 January 2023ApplicationUS17380844User network-based suggestion for web browserRetailMeNot Inc
US20220394138A18 December 2022ApplicationUS17338582On net bus for distributing fax transmissionsj2 Cloud Services, LLC