Town | Acworth |
Total land | 24,917 |
Total CU acres | 19,927 |
Percent of CU acres | 80 |
Number of owners | 263 |
Number of parcels | 470 |
Town | Albany |
Total land | 48,253 |
Total CU acres | 3,682 |
Percent of CU acres | 8 |
Number of owners | 58 |
Number of parcels | 95 |
Town | Alexandria |
Total land | 27,868 |
Total CU acres | 19,214 |
Percent of CU acres | 69 |
Number of owners | 233 |
Number of parcels | 450 |
Town | Allenstown |
Total land | 13,098 |
Total CU acres | 3,145 |
Percent of CU acres | 24 |
Number of owners | 76 |
Number of parcels | 122 |
Town | Alstead |
Total land | 24,944 |
Total CU acres | 17,872 |
Percent of CU acres | 72 |
Number of owners | 312 |
Number of parcels | 442 |
Town | Alton |
Total land | 40,906 |
Total CU acres | 24,734 |
Percent of CU acres | 60 |
Number of owners | 341 |
Number of parcels | 548 |
Town | Amherst |
Total land | 21,718 |
Total CU acres | 6,117 |
Percent of CU acres | 28 |
Number of owners | 206 |
Number of parcels | 214 |
Town | Andover |
Total land | 25,720 |
Total CU acres | 17,579 |
Percent of CU acres | 68 |
Number of owners | 217 |
Number of parcels | 297 |
Town | Antrim |
Total land | 22,833 |
Total CU acres | 16,286 |
Percent of CU acres | 71 |
Number of owners | 274 |
Number of parcels | 455 |
Town | Ashland |
Total land | 7,244 |
Total CU acres | 3,691 |
Percent of CU acres | 51 |
Number of owners | 62 |
Number of parcels | 95 |
Town | Atkinson & Gilmanton Academy Grant |
Total land | 12,351 |
Total CU acres | 12,299 |
Percent of CU acres | 100 |
Number of owners | 2 |
Number of parcels | 3 |
Town | Atkinson |
Total land | 7,155 |
Total CU acres | 807 |
Percent of CU acres | 11 |
Number of owners | 31 |
Number of parcels | 58 |
Town | Auburn |
Total land | 16,308 |
Total CU acres | 3,437 |
Percent of CU acres | 21 |
Number of owners | 89 |
Number of parcels | 138 |
Town | Barnstead |
Total land | 27,484 |
Total CU acres | 17,924 |
Percent of CU acres | 65 |
Number of owners | 362 |
Number of parcels | 508 |
Town | Barrington |
Total land | 29,887 |
Total CU acres | 13,497 |
Percent of CU acres | 45 |
Number of owners | 297 |
Number of parcels | 518 |
Town | Bartlett |
Total land | 47,878 |
Total CU acres | 6,789 |
Percent of CU acres | 14 |
Number of owners | 101 |
Number of parcels | 159 |
Town | Bath |
Total land | 24,421 |
Total CU acres | 20,032 |
Percent of CU acres | 82 |
Number of owners | 219 |
Number of parcels | 363 |
Town | Bean's Grant |
Total land | 6,183 |
Total CU acres | 0 |
Percent of CU acres | 0 |
Number of owners | 0 |
Number of parcels | 0 |
Town | Bean's Purchase |
Total land | 41,774 |
Total CU acres | 0 |
Percent of CU acres | 0 |
Number of owners | 0 |
Number of parcels | 0 |
Town | Bedford |
Total land | 20,963 |
Total CU acres | 2,437 |
Percent of CU acres | 12 |
Number of owners | 51 |
Number of parcels | 160 |
Town | Total land | Total CU acres | Percent of CU acres | Number of owners | Number of parcels |
Acworth | 24,917 | 19,927 | 80 | 263 | 470 |
Albany | 48,253 | 3,682 | 8 | 58 | 95 |
Alexandria | 27,868 | 19,214 | 69 | 233 | 450 |
Allenstown | 13,098 | 3,145 | 24 | 76 | 122 |
Alstead | 24,944 | 17,872 | 72 | 312 | 442 |
Alton | 40,906 | 24,734 | 60 | 341 | 548 |
Amherst | 21,718 | 6,117 | 28 | 206 | 214 |
Andover | 25,720 | 17,579 | 68 | 217 | 297 |
Antrim | 22,833 | 16,286 | 71 | 274 | 455 |
Ashland | 7,244 | 3,691 | 51 | 62 | 95 |
Atkinson & Gilmanton Academy Grant | 12,351 | 12,299 | 100 | 2 | 3 |
Atkinson | 7,155 | 807 | 11 | 31 | 58 |
Auburn | 16,308 | 3,437 | 21 | 89 | 138 |
Barnstead | 27,484 | 17,924 | 65 | 362 | 508 |
Barrington | 29,887 | 13,497 | 45 | 297 | 518 |
Bartlett | 47,878 | 6,789 | 14 | 101 | 159 |
Bath | 24,421 | 20,032 | 82 | 219 | 363 |
Bean's Grant | 6,183 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Bean's Purchase | 41,774 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Bedford | 20,963 | 2,437 | 12 | 51 | 160 |