FINDINGFoshan Nanhai Mattel DiecastJetta IndustriesCombine Will IndustrialWinson Precision ManufacturingDongguan Zhenyang Toy
Hiring discrimination *XXXX
No physical examinations *XXXX
Hiring fees *XX
Worker's personal identification cards detained *XXX
Insufficient pre-job occupational safety training *XXXXX
Failure to fulfill contract commitments *XX
Incomplete contracts at signing *X
Temp workers more than 10% of workforce *X
Lack of paid personal and sick leave *X
Excessive overtime *XXXXX
Lunch breaks less than one hour, other breaks curtailedXXXX
Mandatroy overtime or overtime reduced as punishment *XXXXX
Manuipulating schedules to reduce overtime costs XX
No pay stubs *X
Inaqdequate retirement insurance *XXXX
Unsanitary and crowded housing conditionsXXXXX
Insufficient number of bathrooms and showersXXX
Insufficient protective gear (masks, gloves,first aid kits) *XXXXX
Dangerous machine operation proceduresXXX
Inadequate fire-safety measures, like blocking exits *XXXXX
Faked documents, employment exam results *XXXXX
Fines impose on workers *X
No state union representation *XXXXX
Ineffective channels for expressing grievancesXXXXX
Resignation applications required to receive earned pay *XXXX
Unpaid training, meetings and other hiring procedures *XX

Asterisk indicates the violation breaks China labor law.