A breakdown of per-person public safety/violence prevention spend The contribution to the Police Department has risen by $26, for a FY23 total of $487. The contribution to the Fire Department has risen by $80, for a FY23 total of $237. The contribution to the Court System has risen by $4, for a FY23 total of $156. The contribution to Prisons has decreased by $29, for a FY23 total of $153. The contribution to the Managing Director’s Office has risen by $49, for a FY23 total of $75. The contribution to Philadelphia Parks and Recreation has grown by $1, for a FY23 total of $42. The contribution to the Free Library has grown by $6, for a FY23 total of $35. The contribution to Arts & Culture (i.e. the Mural Arts Program and the city’s Art Museum fund) has decreased by $1, for a FY23 total of $5.