Spear's Philanthropy Advisers Index

Table with 4 columns and 28 rows. Currently displaying rows 1 to 20.
Juliet AgnewBarclays Private BankGlobal social impactTop Recommended
John CanadyNational Philanthropic Trust UKDonor-advised fundsTop Recommended
Joe CromeCharities Aid FoundationPhilanthropy for dual US/UK taxpayersTop Recommended
Caroline FiennesGiving EvidenceEvidence-based philanthropy Top Recommended
Edward GarrettCharities Aid FoundationSocial and economic equalityTop Recommended
Hannah GibneyStewardshipGrantmakingTop Recommended
Mark GreerCharities Aid FoundationEstablishing philanthropic foundationsTop Recommended
Tom HallUBSPhilanthropy in wealth managementTop Recommended
Rennie HoareC. Hoare & Co.Good bankers and good citizensTop Recommended
Anna JossePrism the Gift FundDonor-advised fundsTop Recommended
Russell PriorHSBC Private BankingFamily philanthropyTop Recommended
Sarah RowleyCharles Russell SpeechlysAdvising charities and non-profitsTop Recommended
Lyn TomlinsonCazenove CapitalMaximising impactTop Recommended
Chris Willis PickupMishcon de ReyaPrivate client philanthropy and charity lawTop Recommended
Derek BardowellTen Years' TimeEducating donors on social impactRecommended
Peter CafferkeyBoncertoInnovative philanthropic strategiesRecommended
Alex DayBig GiveMatch fundingRecommended
Rebecca EastmondGreenwood PlacePhilanthropy one-stop shopRecommended
Jo EnsorPhilanthropy InsightStrategy adviceRecommended
Patricia GuerraMLL LegalPhilanthropy for families and individualsRecommended