Category Indicator name Source
Independence and pluralism
Level of restrictions on the media during COVIDV-Dem Institute Pandemic Violations of Democratic Standards Index (2020)
Extent to which media accept payments to alter coverageInternational IDEA Global State of Democracy (2019)
Government censorship of mediaInternational IDEA Global State of Democracy (2019)
Self-censorship among journalists on issues the government considers politically sensitiveInternational IDEA Global State of Democracy (2019)
Extent of freedom of opinion and expression in societyInternational IDEA Global State of Democracy (2019)
The number of major media outlets that routinely criticize the governmentInternational IDEA Global State of Democracy (2019)
Media bias against opposition parties or candidatesInternational IDEA Global State of Democracy (2019)
How common and normal critcism of government is as part of public political dialogueInternational IDEA Global State of Democracy (2019)
The level of media pluralism AFD, CEPII and MEF.Institutional Profiles Database (2016)
Extent to which major media represent a wide range of political perspectivesInternational IDEA Global State of Democracy (2019)
Freedom of access to cable/satelliteAFD, CEPII and MEF.Institutional Profiles Database (2016)
Freedom of access to foreign newspapersAFD, CEPII and MEF.Institutional Profiles Database (2016)
The number of journalists killed in 2020Committee to Protect Journalists