Contributor Amount Year(s)
Donors Capital Fund$2,500,000 2015-2016
DonorsTrust$788,916 2011-2014
Dunn’s Foundation for the Advancement of Right Thinking$300,000 2010-2011
Einhorn Family Foundation$5,000 2016
Greater Houston Community Foundation$2,023,650 2011-2012
Henry E Haller JR Foundation$15,000 2015-2016
Judicial Education Project$950,000 2016
Lee Family Foundation$20,000 2016-2017
Mercer Family Foundation$500,000 2014
Sparks Foundation$6,000 2015-2016
The Armstrong Foundation$5,000 2015
The Middlemas Family Foundation$5,000 2017
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program$7,574,000 2012-2018
Convention of States Foundation has received grants under the names Citizens for Self-Governance and John Hancock Committee of the States