Table with 2 columns and 16 rows.
Develop a national ransomware framework to standardize preparation and response.Awaiting support
Create a national campaign to raise awareness and understanding of ransomware.Awaiting support
Provide financial incentives to entities that comply with national ransomware framework.Awaiting support
Mandate limited baseline security measures for critical infrastructure organizations.Underway
Ensure robust information-sharing across crytocurrency exchanges, incident responders, insurers and law enforcement.Done
Issue formal statements targeting ransomware criminals through diplomatic channels.Done
Form an international law enforcement coalition to target ransomware criminals.Done
Establish working groups and joint ransomware task forces to coordinate disruption efforts.Done
Require cryptocurrency exchanges to comply with the law.Underway
Consistently engage in sustained disruptive actions against ransomware infrastructure.Done
Use victim data in cyber insurance market to support global law enforcement efforts.Awaiting support
Create a ransomware response fund to aid recovery and disincentivize ransom payments.Awaiting support
Communicate existing policies and prohibited activities to insurer consortiums.Awaiting support
Remove tax deductibility allowances for ransomware payments.Awaiting support
Mandate entitites report ransomware incidents to the federal government.Underway
Require organizations to conduct due diligence and cost-benefit analysis prior to paying ransoms.Underway