Cuyamaca 2023-2024 First-Time Student Enrollments

First-time student enrollments include enrollments by students who started in 2023-2024 that resulted in grades of A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, D, F, P, NP, W, or EW. Courses with fewer than 10 first-time student enrollments are excluded here. By default, this table displays the top 20 courses with the most first-time student enrollments in the specified time frame on page 1. To identify the top 20 courses with the most D/F/NP/W/EW grades, click the "D/F/NP/W/EW (#)" header twice. To identify the top 20 courses with the most D/F/NP grades, click the "Not Successful (#)" header twice. To identify the top 20 courses with the most W/EW grades, click the "Withdrawal (#)" header twice.