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Year 3     Spelling   Reading   Writing   Numeracy   Grammar
Year 5     Spelling   Reading   Writing   Numeracy   Grammar
Year 7     Spelling   Reading   Writing   Numeracy   Grammar
Year 9     Spelling   Reading   Writing   Numeracy   Grammar

Year 3 Spelling (2023)
NAPLAN scores: The tables present the 2023 average NAPLAN scores for all electorates. The electorate scores are compared to the average national score using a 5-point​ ​​colour scale developed by ACARA, which shows whether an electorate was 'well above', 'above', 'close to', 'below' or 'well below' the national score
ICSEA values: The tables present ICSEA values for all electorates. Electorates with similar levels of socio-educational advantage can be viewed together by clicking on the column heading
Interpretation: In Albury, Year 3 students had an average NAPLAN score of 390 for spelling in 2023. This was 'close to' the Australian average
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2023 NAPLAN data by state electorate, ICSEA score and region