Sample size2,000
QuotasAge, gender, social grade within region, urban/rural within region
WeightingAge gender (split by urban or rural), region, ethnicity and social grade, education
Sample size2,050
LanguageHindi, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odiva, Tamil, and Teluga
QuotasAge, gender, social grade across urban/rural locations
WeightingAge, gender (split by rural and urban), geographic region, state, social grade, education
CountryUnited Kingdom
Sample size2,179
QuotasAge, gender, region, employment status and ethnicity
WeightingAge, gender, employment status, education, region, ethnicity, social grade
CountryUnited States
Sample size2,000
LanguageEnglish and Spanish
QuotasAge, gender, region, employment status, race, Hispanic/Latino origin
WeightingAge, gender, employment status, education, region, race, Hispanic/Latino origin, income
MISSING: summary MISSING: current-rows.
Brazil2,000Face-to-facePortugueseAge, gender, social grade within region, urban/rural within regionAge gender (split by urban or rural), region, ethnicity and social grade, education
India2,050Face-to-faceHindi, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odiva, Tamil, and TelugaAge, gender, social grade across urban/rural locationsAge, gender (split by rural and urban), geographic region, state, social grade, education
United Kingdom2,179OnlineEnglishAge, gender, region, employment status and ethnicityAge, gender, employment status, education, region, ethnicity, social grade
United States2,000OnlineEnglish and SpanishAge, gender, region, employment status, race, Hispanic/Latino originAge, gender, employment status, education, region, race, Hispanic/Latino origin, income