Country | Brazil |
Sample size | 2,000 |
Mode | Face-to-face |
Language | Portuguese |
Quotas | Age, gender, social grade within region, urban/rural within region |
Weighting | Age gender (split by urban or rural), region, ethnicity and social grade, education |
Country | India |
Sample size | 2,050 |
Mode | Face-to-face |
Language | Hindi, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odiva, Tamil, and Teluga |
Quotas | Age, gender, social grade across urban/rural locations |
Weighting | Age, gender (split by rural and urban), geographic region, state, social grade, education |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sample size | 2,179 |
Mode | Online |
Language | English |
Quotas | Age, gender, region, employment status and ethnicity |
Weighting | Age, gender, employment status, education, region, ethnicity, social grade |
Country | United States |
Sample size | 2,000 |
Mode | Online |
Language | English and Spanish |
Quotas | Age, gender, region, employment status, race, Hispanic/Latino origin |
Weighting | Age, gender, employment status, education, region, race, Hispanic/Latino origin, income |