Administrator Name Primary target(s) 2020 spending (M$)
Environmental remediation programs
DOEOffices of Environmental and Legacy ManagementNuclear sites$7,617
EPASuperfundGeneral pollution$1,185
DOIAbandoned Mines Land programMine sites$138
EPAUnderground Storage Tank programPetroleum storage sites$92
EPABrownfieldsGeneral pollution$93*
StatesOil and gas well restoration on private or state landsOrphaned oil and gas wells$53
DOIOil and gas well restoration on federal landsOrphaned oil and gas wells$0.30
Infrastructure programs
DOTFederal-Aid Highway ProgramRoad transport$47,314
IRSTax exemption for state and local infrastructure bondsState and local infrastructure$27,600
DOTFederal Public Transportation ProgramPublic transport$12,592
HUDCommunity Development Block Grant programInfrastructure, public facilities, housing, other$8,425**
EPAClean Water State Revolving FundWastewater systems$1,694
EPADrinking Water State Revolving FundDrinking water systems$1,164