How much more could you end up paying for broadband services?

Broadband providerVodafone
Price now£25 a month
Inflation 2.5%/3.5%* (+3.9%)£26.10 a month
Pounds and pence£28 a month
Increase (pounds and pence)12.00%
Broadband providerVirgin Media
Price now£25.99 a month
Inflation 2.5%/3.5%* (+3.9%)£27.91 a month
Pounds and pence£29.49 a month
Increase (pounds and pence)13.47%
Table with 5 columns and 2 rows.
Vodafone£25 a month£26.10 a month£28 a month12.00%
Virgin Media£25.99 a month£27.91 a month£29.49 a month13.47%