Step What to keep in mind
1 Briefly explain the reason for the timeoutYou can warn the child first, but just once
2 Quietly walk the child to their designated timeout chair. Tell them to sit there until you say it's time to get upSet an example of how to be calm by remaining quiet and exercising self-control. If the child refuses to go to the chair, pick them up gently from the back, under the arms, and carry them there
3 Put the child in the chair while repeating the reason for the timeoutRemain calm and say nothing else. Make sure the child stays in the timeout chair until it's over
4 Tell the child when the timeout is over. If the child was cooperative, thank them for thatIt's up to the adult, not the child, to say when it's time to move on
5 Reconnect with the childPraise good behavior, such as sharing with siblings