Chart 27: Monthly Median Pay and Gender Pay Gap for Exempt Executives in 2022

Secretary: No Pay Gap,
Undersecretary: Pay Gap of 2.3%
Deputy Secretary: Pay Gap of -0.9%
Director: Pay Gap of -3.5%
Chief Deputy Director: Pay Gap of - 4.2%
Deputy Director: Pay Gap of 6.5%

This chart shows us the monthly median pay and gender pay gap for exempt executives at each level in 2022. Female secretaries and male secretaries each make $19,405, which means there is no pay gap. Female undersecretaries make $17,154 while male undersecretaries make $17,562, which means there is a 2.3% female pay gap. Female deputy secretaries make $13,667 while male deputy secretaries make $13,549, which means there is a 0.9% male pay gap. Female directors make $15,205 while male directors make $14,691, which means there is a 3.5% male pay gap. Female chief deputy directors make $16,290 while male directors make $15,627, which means there is a 4.2% male pay gap. Female deputy directors make $13,301 while male deputy directors make $14,228, which means there is a 6.5% female pay gap.