Predicted dates are medians. Actual dates are approximations.
1970 | 1970 | Economically useful desalination of seawater |
1970 | 1960 | Effective fertility control by oral contraceptive or other simple and inexpensive means |
1971 | 1980 | Development of new synthetic materials for ultra-light construction |
1972 | 2015 | Automated language translators |
1972 | 1980 | New organs through transplanting or prosthesis |
1973 | 1980 | Increase by a factor of 10 in capital investment in computers used for automated process control |
1974 | 1980 | Air traffic control-positive and predictive track on all aircraft |
1974 | 1985 | Direct link from stores to banks to check credit and to record transactions |
1974 | 1995 | Widespread use of simple teaching machines |
1975 | 1980 | Reliable weather forecasts |
1975 | Automation of office work and services, leading to displacement of 25% of current workforce | |
1975 | 1995 | Education becoming a respectable leisure pastime |
1975 | Widespread use of sophisticated teaching machines | |
1976 | 1995 | Automatic libraries, looking up and reproducing copy |
1978 | 1995 | Automated looking up of legal information |
1978 | 2015 | Automatic language translator-correct grammar |
1978 | Automated rapid transit | |
1979 | Widespread use of automatic decision-making at management level for industrial and national planning | |
1980 | 2000 | Operation of a central data storage facility with wide access for general or specialized information retrieval |
1980 | Reformation of physical theory, eliminating confusion in quantum-relativity and simplifying particle theory | |
1982 | 2000 | Implanted artificial organs made of plastic and electronic components |
1983 | Widespread legally or widely accepted use of recreational drugs (other than alcohol) for the purpose of producing specific changes in person | |
1985 | Stimulated emission ('lasers') in X and Gamma ray region of the spectrum | |
1985 | Electronic prosthesis (radar for the blind, servomechanical limbs, etc.) | |
1985 | Automated interpretation of medical symptoms | |
1986 | Controlled thermonuclear power | |
1986 | Construction on a production line of computers with motivation by 'education' | |
1988 | Widespread use of robot services, for refuse collection, as household helpers, as sewer inspectors, etc. | |
1988 | 2005 | Widespread use of computers in tax collection, with access to all business records-automatic single tax deductions |
1989 | 2010 | Creation of a primitive form of artificial life (at least in the form of self-replicating molecules) |
1989 | Economically useful exploitation of the ocean bottom through mining (other than offshore oil drilling) | |
1990 | Feasibility of limited weather control, in the sense of substantially affecting regional weather at acceptable cost | |
1990 | Economic feasibility of commercial generation of synthetic protein for food | |
1990 | 2016 | Availability to respond to questions printed in English and possibly accompanied by a graphic that is to be interpreted as behavior |
1992 | Increase by an order of magnitude in the relative number of psychotic cases amenable to physical or chemical therapy | |
1995 | Biochemical general immunization against bacterial and viral diseases | |
2000 | 2010 | Feasibility (not necessarily acceptance) of chemical control over some hereditary defects by modification of genes through molecular engineering |
2000 | 2010 | Economically useful exploitation of the ocean through farming, with the effect of producing at least 20% of the world's food |
2000 | Evolution of a universal language from automated communication | |
2000 | Automated voting, in the sense of legislating through automated plebiscite | |
2002 | Automated highways and adaptive automobile autopilots | |
2005 | 2005 | Remote facsimile newspapers and magazines, printed in home |
2007 | Biochemicals to stimulate growth of new organs and limbs | |
2012 | Feasibility of using drugs to raise the level of intelligence (other than as dietary supplements and not in the sense of just temporarily raising the level of perception) | |
2020 | Man-machine symbiosis, enabling man to extend his intelligence by direct electromechanical interaction between his brain and a computing machine | |
2025 | International agreements which guarantee certain economic minima to the world's population as a result of high production from automation | |
2050 | Chemical control of the aging process, permitting extension of life span by 50 years | |
2050 | Breeding of intelligent animals (apes, cetaceans, etc.) for low-grade labor | |
2050 | Two-way communication with extraterrestrials | |
2100 | Economic feasibility of commercial manufacture of many chemical elements from subatomic building blocks | |
2100 | Control of gravity through some form of modification of the gravitational field | |
2600 | Feasibility of education by direct information recording on the brain | |
Never | Long-duration coma to permit a form of time travel | |
Never | Use of telepathy and ESP in communications | |
Never | Centralized (possibly random) wiretapping |