Florida’s 'Don't Say Gay' law is hurting LGBTQ+ parents
Negative experiences reported by LGBTQ+ parents in Florida in the last three to six months, in relation to the state's "Don't Say Gay" law
Bar chart showing negative consequence of Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” law for LGBTQ+ parents surveyed, including that 56% considered moving out of the state; 23% were scared of being harassed or bothered by neighbors “because of my sexual orientation or gender identity or expression;" 21% were “less out” in their neighborhood, workplace or community; 17% took steps to actively move out of Florida; 11% considered moving their child to a new school; 7% were scared of being harassed or bothered by coworkers or supervisors “because of my
sexual orientation or gender identity or expression;" and 7% were bothered or harassed by neighbors due to their sexual orientation or gender identity or expression.