Table with 4 columns and 5 rows.
Component 1 – Capital gains taxComponent 2 – Negative gearing
Option 1Remove the CGT discount for all residential property assets purchased after July 1, 2024, with property assets purchased before this date to be grandfathered under existing CGT discount arrangements.Remove negative gearing arrangements for residential property purchased after July 1, 2024, with homes purchased prior to this date to be grandfathered under existing negative gearing arrangements.$27.7 billion
Option 2Remove the CGT discount for all residential property assets purchased after July 1, 2024, with property assets purchased before this date to be grandfathered under existing CGT discount arrangements.Remove negative gearing arrangements for an investor’s second or subsequent investment property interests.$17 billion
Option 3Remove the CGT discount for all residential property assets purchased after July 1, 2024, with property assets purchased before this date to grandfathered under existing CGT discount arrangements.As per Option 2, but also disallow rental deductions for vacant properties.$15.6 billion
Option 4As per Options 1 and 2, but provide a 50% CGT discount for new homes built after July 1, 2024, if these homes are held for longer than 3 years.Remove all negative gearing arrangements.$59.9 billion
Option 5No changes to CGT.As per Option 4, but disallow deductions for vacant properties, and allow negative gearing for new properties purchased or built after July 1, 2024.$50.4 billion