A table showing the state of rebrands from the Kum & Go banner to the Maverik banner after the latter acquired the former in 2024. Arizona had no Kum & Go locations to rebrand. Arkansas had no Maveriks and is in the process of rebranding its 56 Kum & Go locations. California had no Kum & Go locations to rebrand. Maverik has completed rebrands in Colorado, where it now has 117 locations. No rebrands have yet been announced for Iowa's 97 Kum & Go locations. Maverik has completed rebrands in Idaho, where it now has 72 locations. Kansas had no Kum & Go locations to rebrand. Michigan had no Maveriks and is in the process of rebranding its 8 Kum & Go locations. No rebrands have yet been announced for Minnesota's 2 Kum & Go locations. Missouri had no Maveriks and is in the process of rebranding its 56 Kum & Go locations. No rebrands have been announced for Montana, which has 1 Maverik and 1 Kum & Go. No rebrands have been announced for Nebraska, which has 5 Maveriks and 20 Kum & Gos. Nevada and New Mexico had no Kum & Go locations to rebrand. No rebrands have yet been announced for North Dakota's 6 Kum & Go locations. Rebranding is in progress in Oklahoma, which has 32 Maveriks and 10 Kum & Gos. Oregon had no Kum & Go locations to rebrand. No rebrands have been announced for South Dakota, which has 2 Maveriks and 8 Kum & Gos. Rebranding is complete in Utah, where Maverik now has 164 locations. Washington had no Kum & Go locations to rebrand. And rebranding is complete in Wyoming, where Maverik now has 39 locations.