Bundperformere 1. halvår 2024

Table with 11 columns and 10 rows.
Maj Invest Planet & PeopleMAJPP−20,66%7,64%🌐🌐🌐1,40%10. november 2008−13,40%EAA Fund Other Equity
Advice Capital Breakthrough Biotech−8,86%−5,21%Negative3,02%18. oktober 202218,37%EAA Fund Sector Equity Biotechnology
Gudme Raaschou Europæiske EjendomsaktierGRIEJD−3,70%−2,05%Neutral★★★🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐0,57%29. april 201921,70%EAA Fund Property - Indirect Europe
BLS Invest Globale Aktier KLBLKGA−2,71%12,11%Bronze★★★🌐🌐🌐🌐1,84%30. september 20086,79%EAA Fund Global Large-Cap Growth Equity
BLS Invest Globale Aktier AkkBLIGAA−2,66%11,14%Bronze★★🌐🌐🌐🌐1,81%28. november 20146,87%EAA Fund Global Large-Cap Growth Equity
Maj Invest Net Zero 2050 W−0,70%0,12%Neutral🌐🌐0,65%7. februar 2022−0,21%EAA Fund Global Flex-Cap Equity
Wealth Invest AKL St. Petri L/S IWEKSTPLSI0,57%9,22%1,88%15. marts 2018−11,93%EAA Fund Long/Short Equity - Other
Stonehenge Globale Valueaktier KLSHIGVAKL0,81%6,92%Neutral★★🌐🌐1,88%28. januar 2010−2,25%EAA Fund Global Large-Cap Value Equity
Danske Invest Bioteknologi Indeks KL0,85%Bronze★★★🌐🌐🌐0,50%23. maj 2000−0,96%EAA Fund Sector Equity Biotechnology
Stonehenge Globale Valueaktier PM KL1,17%3,16%Neutral🌐🌐1,26%10. august 2017−1,57%EAA Fund Global Large-Cap Value Equity