Commitment to notify users about changes to the terms of service.
The product’s terms of use do not indicate that the company will notify users about changes to the terms of use policy, but do state that an updated agreement will be posted on the site. The terms assert that any use of the site after the revised terms of use are posted constitutes an agreement with the modified terms.
Disclosure of how users will be directly notified of changes to the terms of service.
The product’s terms of use do not indicate that the company will notify users about changes to the terms of use policy, but state that an updated agreement will be posted on the site. The terms assert that any use of the site after the revised terms of use are posted constitutes an agreement with the modified terms.
Disclosure of timeframe for notification prior to changes to the terms of service coming into effect.
The product’s terms of use do not indicate that the company will notify users about changes to the terms of use policy.
Maintains a public archive or change log of the terms of service.
The product’s terms of use do not indicate that the company will notify users about changes to the terms of use policy, but state that an updated agreement will be posted on the site. The terms assert that any use of the site after the revised terms of use is posted constitutes an agreement with the modified terms.
The terms of use also do not provide any language or examples that indicate that there has or will be public documentation of policy changes.
― Privacy Policy ―
Smart Baby Monitor
Final Results
Commitment to notify users about changes to the privacy policy.
The product privacy policy indicates that before any “material” changes are made to the privacy policy, users will be notified by email prior to the changes becoming effective.
The policy states that users will also be informed of any choices they may have with respect to these changes.
Disclosure of how users will be directly notified of changes to the privacy policy.
The product privacy policy indicates that before any “material” changes are made to the privacy policy, users will be notified by email prior to the changes becoming effective.
Disclosure of timeframe for notification prior to changes to the privacy policy coming into effect.
The product privacy policy indicates that before any “material” changes are made to the privacy policy, users will be notified by email prior to the changes becoming effective.
The policy does not provide a specific timeframe, other than “before” the changes becoming effective.
Maintains a public archive or change log of the privacy policy.
No past terms of use or changes are documented in the terms of use or elsewhere on the product website, and the policy does not contain any commitment to retain documentation about past policies for consumer reference.