The graph is a bar chart titled "Voluntary Busing and School Integration." It shows the effects of non-neighborhood enrollment on the likelihood of a student enrolling at a school where 90 or more percent of classmates are Black or Hispanic. In Boston, all are 6.2 percentage points less likely to attend a school with more that 90 percent Black and Hispanic peers. Blacks are 16.5 percentage points less likely, and Hispanics are 2.2 points more likely. In New York City, all are 4.4 percentage points less likely to attend a school with more that 90 percent Black and Hispanic peers. Blacks are 3.3 percentage points less likely, and Hispanics are 7.8 points less likely. Source: Researchers' calculations using data from BPS, Massachusetts DESE, MCAS, the NSC database, and NYCDOE.