The 20 American products most exported to the EU 27 

In billion euros

333 Crude petroleum oils
541 Medicinal and pharmaceutical products
343 Natural gas, including liquefied gas
714 Engines and motors, non-electric; parts thereof
792 Aircraft and related equipment
542 Medicines for human or veterinary use
781 Passenger vehicles
874 Measuring devices and instruments
872 Instruments and apparatus (medicine, surgery, etc.)
598 Various chemical products
334 Petrol other than crude
899 Other manufactured articles
321 Non-agglomerated coal
764 Telecommunication equipment
728 Other specialised machines and equipment
774 Electrodiagnostic and radiology equipment for medical use
752 Automatic data processing machines
776 Lamps, tubes, valves and similar articles
342 Propane and liquefied butane
515 Organo-inorganic compounds and other related compounds