Other occupations for 1850 include: captain (3), machanic (3), jailor (2), blacksmith (1), Mantuamaker (1), and mechanic (1). The four people in the farm laborer category in 1860 are classified as farm hands. The other occupations are: midwife (2), seamstress (2), wood chopper (2), planter (1), ash woman (1), home keeper (1), hoodman (1), house keeper (1), and spinner (1) For 1870, those classified as "farmer" and "farming" are combined together. Other occupations in 1870 were: at home (6), attending school (2), fisherman/fishing (4), assistant house keeper (1), gardener (1), brick mason (1), keeping mill (1), nurse (1), work by the day (1), and working mill (1).