Austin ISD students who met grade level on Algebra 1
*STAAR testing was cancelled in Spring 2020 because of the pandemic.
This bar chart illustrates the percent of Austin ISD students who met grade level on the Algebra 1 STAAR exam from 2019 to 2024. Each green bar represents one year. There is no data for 2020 because the state cancelled STAAR testing due to the pandemic. The chart shows that in 2019, 69 percent of Austin ISD students met grade level on the Algebra 1 exam. That dropped to 35 percent of students in 2021. In 2022, 41 percent of students met grade level on Algebra 1. In 2023, it was 43 percent of students and in 2024, 39 percent of Austin ISD students met grade level on the Algebra 1 exam.