2017-2023 in million Swedish kronor (SEK)

The bar chart shows the expenditure for scholarly literature and open access publishing between 2017 and 2023. The cost is stated in million Swedish kronor. The total cost is fairly equal between the first three years, 498 million for 2017, 491 for 2018 and 504 for 2019. Expenditure for 2020 increased compared with previous years. But for 2021 the expenditure was more or less the same as for 2020. 709 million Swedish kronor for 2020 and 711 for 2021. A slight increase for 2022, namely 738 million Swedish kronor. The incoming expenditure differs. Some increase while others decrease. Expenditure on subscriptions decreases while publication costs increases. An 8,2 percent increase for 2023, namely 799 million Swedish kronor.